Friday, 10 October 2014

Matters of the heart.

We "think" with our heart. It's what makes us human.

Human beings are meant to be rational. We think, we analyze, we have principles which shape our behaviour. We have superior studies, speak several languages and live in multicultural environments. And despite this, sometimes we behave in such irrational ways that even ourselves cannot really understand why. 

The good news is that the answer might be rational after all, according to the Institute of HeartMathIt is known that the heart is constantly responding to "orders" sent by the brain in the form of neural signals. What is surprising is that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. And the brain "communicates" back to the heart in many important ways. 

For example, when we experience negative feelings, the heart rhythm patterns become more erratic. These erratic patterns are sent to the emotional centers in the brain, which are recognized as negative or stressful feelings. These signals create the actual feelings we experience and as a consequence, they block our ability to think clearly. So we actually think with our heart. It's what makes us human.

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