Tuesday, 8 July 2014


One of the most common things people do is blame others for their unhappiness. But it takes a minimum amount of self-respect to stay away from anyone who is not willing to treat you in the same way you are treating them.

Whether it’s business, family, friends or romantic partners – all long-lasting relationships are based on it. First you need to try hard to earn it, and then to maintain it. But it needs to be reciprocal. Otherwise you get used to whoever treating you like whatever.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Mad Men vs. Desperate Housewives

Fairy Tales have Sleeping Beauties and Charming Princes.

Reality has Mad Men and Desperate Housewives.

Most men claim they like strong, intelligent, independent women, who know what they want and are confident in their own skin. The problem is they don't know how to handle them or live up to their expectations. 
So there is always the "easier" option - settling for someone who would make them seem the strong, intelligent and independent ones. And we all know how long that will last until it turns into complete madness. 
So why not just admit in the first place that having an equal partner who challenges you is not a sign of weakness ?

The same goes for women: we spend too much time and energy looking for the perfect guy, the so-called "Prince Charming" who will sweep us off our feet right into a magical happy ending. But as a friend of mine was saying, we need to face reality and realise that we will have to kiss many frogs until we find the perfect one for us. 
We are no "Sleeping Beauties" so there is no point in dreaming about Fairy Tales. Otherwise we will end up desperate and alone. And after all, everyone deserves a chance...and we might end up surprised.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

What is Love ?

Oslo, Norway

No...not looking for the physical, psychotherapeutical, philosophical, romantic or puristic answer. Nor for this one !

But rather for the simple and honest one:

Loved the one when it feels like a happy day...when Cupid comes out :)

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Dreams vs. Reality

Dreams don't always work out. But that does not mean we should stop having them, we should just adjust them to reality.

It is never too late to start from the beginning, learn something new or add more to the knowledge you already have. Especially when you CAN. The WANT is always the tricky part.

The above message should not be taken literally. But I won't judge anyway  :-)