Monday, 30 June 2014

Decisions, decisions

No matter if good or bad, a decision should always be something you take for yourself. Not for your family, not for your partner, not for your colleagues…not for anybody else but you. 

It may seem like a selfish way of thinking, but it saves everyone the trouble of ending up disappointed.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

SKRILLEX is not overrated

It will make you dance, jump and scream - all at the same time.

It is THAT crazy.

I was not and am still not a Skrillex enthusiast, but his show was probably one of the best I have seen so far. I had no expectations whatsoever (except for crazy & loud) so I was completely surprised it turned out to be mind-blowing. 

The attention to every single detail, the lights, the special effects, the sound - everything was done to perfection. This proves two things: once you make it big you need to work even harder to keep it that way and that once in a while, people can surprise you. 
It is definitely a must see.

This part of Ease My Mind was great:

And some visuals from his show @Rock-a-Field:

I loved it !

Friday, 27 June 2014

Rock-a-Field 2014

Luxembourg's biggest music festival which lasts 3 days

Friday 27.6: OMG ! Will be Up in the Air in the City of Angels

Saturday 28.6: Keeping the Pumped up Kicks. Because Anything Could Happen.
So no more Games...only Bangarang !

Sunday 29.6: Staying Young, Wild & Free because...I can't write THIS.

And my favourite of them all:

Thursday, 26 June 2014

It's a jungle out there.

But that there are just as many intoxicating smells, bright sunshine, and breath-taking forms of life in the jungle as there are poisonous plants, dangerous beasts and unpredictable traps.

Monday, 23 June 2014

 Ça fait du bien

                         it feels good ; it makes you feel good

What are the things that "ça fait du bien" ? Usually, the simple ones.

It can simply be the taste of a refreshing drink on a Friday after work:

Watching the World Cup football game on a Saturday evening:

Feeling like flying on a Sunday morning:

Dancing the night away on your favourite music:

Watching the Nationalfeierdag fireworks at midnight:

Or having the Monday off and enjoying some "me time":

 Whatever it is, doing what makes you happy, makes you feel alive.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Je ne sais quoi

                         : an intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive

Je ne sais quoi what this blog is meant to be about exactly as I don't like to put labels on things. But it will be distinctive, attractive and everything related to it will stay true to myself. From music, travelling, food, politics, finance, sports, the moon and back :)

So at this "lonely hour" when I am editing this post (1 am) please enjoy the lovely British singer Sam Smith together with a picture from my equally lovely hometown.